InGo Glossary


  • Campaign: is a marketing campaign that you create on the InGo Dashboard to advertise your event, content, awards or other marketing campaign.
  • Social registration: is when a registrant registers through LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any other social media platform.
  • Manual registration: is when a registrant registers via email bypassing social media platforms.
  • Attendee/Member/Registrant: is a person who registered successfully through any of InGo’s registration options. Attendees are viewable under the “Attendee” button on the InGo Dashboard.

  • Unknown Attendee: is typically the result of an incorrect InGo installation. You should contact InGo support if you find that your event shows unknown attendees. Unknown Attendees display in the “Attendee Report” on the InGo Dashboard.
  • Advocates: are registrants who socially posted and/or sent an invitation to their network. Advocates are viewable in the “Advocates Report” on the InGo Dashboard.

  • Unregistered Advocate: is an advocate who has not completed the registration process. Unregistered Advocates display in the “Advocate Report” on the InGo Dashboard.
  • Personal Invites: are emails from your advocates to their contacts.

  • Trusted Impressions: are connections of your advocates who received a post to their newsfeed.

  • Total Network: Number of connections your advocates have that we can analyze.
  • Clicks: are on the posts or invites of your advocates.

  • Acquisition: is any user (social or non-social) who gets to your Confirmation Page (where the InGo Authorizer Widget is embedded), AND who is in the network of the Advocate who posted on their own (Advocate's network), OR who was sent a personal invite and then registered successfully.

  • InGo Influenced: Registrants who received a post or invite before registering.
  • Click Acquisitions: registrants who clicked a post or invite before registering.
  • Growth Rate % - the rate at which your event grew through InGo platform features - registrants acquired as a result of InGo-based social posts and email invitations

  • Widgets - Small pieces of typically JavaScript code that can be installed on your registration platform.
  • MyShare - The link that can be sent to anyone to allow them to social post in just a few clicks. Typically this is the link under "Copy LinkedIn Link" on your pathway.

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