Understanding Your Event Metrics

In this article, we'll break down each section of metrics on your InGo event's dashboard to explain what they are and how they are calculated.


  • Advocates are your users who have advocated on your behalf. These are individuals who are posting, sharing your event with their network, sending email invites, etc. An Advocate would also be considered a Participant.
  • Participants are a catch-all value that captures anyone who has interacted with an InGo widget during registration (even if they did not post or authenticate). Participants can also be any users who have been manually uploaded into your event.
  • Adoption Rate is calculated by dividing your total Advocates by your Participants.

Email Referrals

  • Email Referrals are referrals, such as posts to social or email invitations, that were shared by your VIP user Groups (speakers, sponsors, exhibitors).
  • Community Email refers to emails that have been configured and sent using InGo's Community Emails feature. 
    • Sent represents how many scheduled Community Emails have been sent out.
    • Scheduled represents how many Community Emails have been configured and scheduled for your event. By default, our system will generate 8 scheduled dates when an event is created if the event is 60 or more days in the future.
  • Delivered emails have been successfully delivered to a participant's mailbox and have not bounced and/or been blocked.
  • Opened indicates the number of times an InGo email has been opened. The same email to the same user can be counted more than once if the email is opened multiple times.
  • Clicked marks the number of times an InGo email has been clicked on once it has been opened. This value can count the same email more than once if a user has interacted with the email multiple times.

Signup Referrals

  • Signup Referrals are similar to Email Referrals, however these referrals (e.g. posts shared, email invites sent) are sent by your registrant and attendee-type user Groups. Most often these referrals will come from your registration and signup workflows, however this can also include referrals that came from registrants who referred because of an email they received.

Please note that, while fairly similar in concept, Advocates are actual people whereas Referrals are posts and invites


  • Value is an estimate of the overall performance of your InGo campaign and how much you've saved in comparison to other paid channels by using InGo. This number is calculated using industry standard estimates that value a standard click at ~$5 per click and a click that results in a registration (click acquisition) at ~$100. Depending on your event demographic, location, and other factors, you may value clicks and acquisitions differently than the placeholders our system calculates.

    Value = clicks * $5 + click acquisitions * $100 (+ meetings booked * $50)

  • Clicks are physical clicks from other individuals who saw an InGo post on social media and clicked on it. 
  • Click Acquisitions are direct conversions of Clicks that resulted in a successful registration within a given browser session. A Click Acquisition is also counted as a Click in the system.

If you want to be able to track all acquisitions driven by InGo, please be sure to include a UTM / GTM tracking URL in your Group creation. 

  • Meetings Booked indicates the number of Meetings that have been successfully requested and accepted by your attendees through InGo's Social Widget.

For any questions on evaluating the performance of your InGo event and understanding the metrics on your dashboard, please reach out to your InGo account manager or our support team at support@ingo.me.