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  2. Installation
  3. Platform-Specific Installation

Visit Installation

This article describes the general process for installing InGo into your Visit registration flow. 

Getting Started

InGo widgets generally appear in three distinct steps through the registration process: A login or welcome page, a registration or form page, and then a confirmation or "thank you" page. On Visit, we'll be installing InGo in all three locations.

Widget Scripts

While on your InGo event, navigate to the Install Widgets page and from the Registration Provider dropdown menu select Visit. You will see three sets of HTML scripts that will be used to install InGo. For now, open a new tab in your browser and open your Visit registration and we'll come back to this page later.

Adding Your InGo Widgets

Each page where InGo will be installed will utilize the "Edit JavaScript" option within your page settings on Visit. The following sections detail where in your registration flow the InGo scripts should be added.

Please do not place InGo code in the header or footer of the page. This will prevent the widgets from loading correctly and may cause issues with data tracking.

Login Widget

While on your landing page for registration, prior to hitting any forms, the Login widget should be placed here. An example of what this code will look like can be found below:

function runActivator(){
ingoWidgetRun("INSERT_LOGIN_WIDGET_ID", "activator", "#activator");
loaderOnPage = jQuery("script[src='https://cdn.ingo.me/widgets-loader/latest/js/ingo.loader.widget.js']").length;
if (loaderOnPage >=1) {
runWidgetOnPage = jQuery("script[src$='visit4WidgetRun-v3.js']").length;
if (runWidgetOnPage >=1) {
} else {
var loadTheFile = document.createElement("script");
loadTheFile.setAttribute("src", "https://cdn-ingo.s3.amazonaws.com/custom-js/visit4WidgetRun-v3.js");
loadTheFile.onload = function(){
} else {
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
var ingoLoader = document.createElement("script");
ingoLoader.setAttribute("src", "https://cdn.ingo.me/widgets-loader/latest/js/ingo.loader.widget.js");
ingoLoader.onload = function(){
var loadTheFile = document.createElement("script");
loadTheFile.setAttribute("src", "https://cdn-ingo.s3.amazonaws.com/custom-js/visit4WidgetRun-v3.js");
loadTheFile.onload = function(){

In the text box below the platform 'Register' button, click into the code editor view (</> icon), and paste the following code below:

<div id="activator"><br></div>

Registration Widget

Navigate to the Personal Details form page to install the Registration widget. An example of what this code will look like can be found below:

function runAutofiller(){
ingoWidgetRun("INSERT_REGISTRATION_WIDGET_ID", "autofiller");
loaderOnPage = jQuery("script[src='https://cdn.ingo.me/widgets-loader/latest/js/ingo.loader.widget.js']").length;
if (loaderOnPage >=1) {
runWidgetOnPage = jQuery("script[src$='visit4WidgetRun-v3.js']").length;
if (runWidgetOnPage >=1) {
} else {
var loadTheFile = document.createElement("script");
loadTheFile.setAttribute("src", "https://cdn-ingo.s3.amazonaws.com/custom-js/visit4WidgetRun-v3.js");
loadTheFile.onload = function(){
} else {
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
var ingoLoader = document.createElement("script");
ingoLoader.setAttribute("src", "https://cdn.ingo.me/widgets-loader/latest/js/ingo.loader.widget.js");
ingoLoader.onload = function(){
var loadTheFile = document.createElement("script");
loadTheFile.setAttribute("src", "https://cdn-ingo.s3.amazonaws.com/custom-js/visit4WidgetRun-v3.js");
loadTheFile.onload = function(){

Confirmation and Social Widgets

Navigate to the registration confirmation page to install the Confirmation and Social widgets. An example of what this code will look like can be found below:

function checkContainer () {
if($('#amplifier').is(':visible')){ //if the container is visible on the page
ingoWidgetRun("INSERT_SOCIAL_WIDGET_ID", "amplifier", "#amplifier");
ingoWidgetRun("INSERT_CONFIRMATION_WIDGET_ID", "authorizer");
} else {
setTimeout(checkContainer(), 50); //wait 50 ms, then try again
loaderOnPage = jQuery("script[src='https://cdn.ingo.me/widgets-loader/latest/js/ingo.loader.widget.js']").length;
if (loaderOnPage >=1) {
runWidgetOnPage = jQuery("script[src$='visit4WidgetRun-v3.js']").length;
if (runWidgetOnPage >=1) {
} else {
var loadTheFile = document.createElement("script");
loadTheFile.setAttribute("src", "https://cdn-ingo.s3.amazonaws.com/custom-js/visit4WidgetRun-v3.js");
loadTheFile.onload = function(){
} else {
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
var ingoLoader = document.createElement("script");
ingoLoader.setAttribute("src", "https://cdn.ingo.me/widgets-loader/latest/js/ingo.loader.widget.js");
ingoLoader.onload = function(){
var loadTheFile = document.createElement("script");
loadTheFile.setAttribute("src", "https://cdn-ingo.s3.amazonaws.com/custom-js/visit4WidgetRun-v3.js");
loadTheFile.onload = function(){

Open the code editor view (</> icon) and locate the position on the page you would like to add the Social Widget. Paste the following code into the editor:

<div id="amplifier"><br></div>

 Testing Your InGo Installation

For widgets with a visual UI, such as the Login and Social widgets, view the preview versions of each of these pages. If you see your InGo widgets appear then you've installed these correctly.

For your Registration Widget, this can be tested by confirming if autofill is occurring successfully. When authenticating with the Login widget, choosing a social option will pull data from your account and populate the form accordingly. 

For the Confirmation Widget, this can be tested by going through the entire registration process with a social login and ensuring the first checkbox on the Login widget was selected. This enables an automatic post to go out on your social feed at the end of registration. If you see this post after completing the process, then this has been installed correctly.

As of November 2023, permissions checkboxes on the Login widget for new events have been deprecated, as has autoposting functionality. The Confirmation widget will instead be tested by InGo's support team during the QA process.


And that's it! For any questions or assistance with setting up an Evessio installation, please reach out to support@ingo.me.