Testing InGo Like an End-User

Testing your InGo install is highly recommended before going live with the widgets in your registration journey. This will ensure you can verify the results to minimize any friction an end-user may encounter when registering for your event. 

Below you will find a few tips for how to setup your InGo tests to replicate what your users may experience.

Removing Previous Tests

While installing InGo, you may have activated your profile already on the event which may skew your results such as by auto-logging you into the widget or auto-populating your form data, so we'll want to create a clean slate for testing.

Contact our support team at support@ingo.me to remove any entries for the event that may have been added. To help expedite the request, please also provide the name and/or URL to your InGo event to allow our team to find this in our system much faster.

At this time, the ability to remove individuals from an InGo event is not available to users and will require our team's assistance to make this change from the backend.

Reset your Social Network Permissions

When authenticating for the first time with a social network through InGo, you may see a secondary screen or pop-up that alerts you to permissions being granted by using InGo. If you have used InGo before, but want to see this pop-up again, you will need to remove InGo as an approved third-party app from your social account.

These instructions vary from platform to platform, however a quick Google search or peek through the platform's documentation should yield these answers.

For LinkedIn specifically, you can read more about what these permissions mean here.

Utilize Incognito Mode for "Clean" Browsing

InGo utilizes cookies to pass data throughout the registration process in various ways to function properly. Using private or incognito versions of your browser which typically do not contain any of your browsing data, will allow you to test your installation without any previous data interfering.

Verify your Social Posts and Invitations

The final piece of any InGo test is to ensure your post was successfully sent. This can be done by logging into your social network through their main website (or through the app, if on a mobile device) and navigating to your profile or news feed. If you are able to see your post, then the installation was a success and your InGo widgets are functioning as expected.

Please contact support@ingo.me with any questions.