Modify Your Social Widget Text

While InGo sets default language on the Social Widget to provide a starting point, any of the text pieces displayed to a user can be altered to fit your event's specific  language. 

By navigating to the widget configuration page for your chosen Social Widget, there will be a handful of tabs displayed on the page. Select the Texts tab to open up all field options where these values are controlled.

Underneath the Texts tab, additional tabs will now be visible with each corresponding to a specific language code. By default, we display en for American English first on this list. 

If your widget will be displaying in another language or multiple languages, please ensure any text changes are made on each language's tab.

Modifying the text in your widget may cause the format of the widget to change to accommodate more/less text. Our team can assist with adjusting the widget styles to fit your needs if this issue arises.

Once finished, please remember to save your changes and the new text values should reflect on your widget within a few minutes.


If you require assistance or have any additional questions, please reach out to our support team at