Test Your InGo Installation

Testing your InGo installation is essential to maximizing reach and value from your InGo campaigns. You'll know in just a few minutes if everything has been set up correctly.

Testing InGo is as Easy as 1, 2, 3!

  1. Perform two full test registrations
    • One that uses LinkedIn to sign-in via the Login Widget
    • One that uses the Register with Email option via the Login Widget
  2. Wait 2 minutes
  3. Check the InGo Members Report for the event and ensure that both registrations have completed successfully & correctly:
    • Both test registration records are present
    • Both test records have the correct registration details - name, job title, etc.
    • The test registrant that used LinkedIn has a post in their social feed

If your test registrations successfully pass all items in the checklist, then InGo has been set up correctly for this event.  


If your results did not match the expected results, please check the following troubleshooting tips. 

Please note that all registration traffic for an event must flow through all four InGo widgets in order for InGo to function properly,

  • My widgets are not appearing
Ask your installer to confirm that all InGo widget scripts have been installed correctly. As a reminder, the Registration and Confirmation Widgets do not have a visible UI and will not appear on their respective pages. 
  • Auto-fill is not populating data in my registration form 
    • Ask your developer to confirm that the registration form data fields have been mapped correctly to the registration widget.
    • If registering with email through the Login Widget, autofill will not populate any data.

Please note that as of November 2023, InGo's auto-posting functionality has been deprecated and is no longer available on new events.

  • InGo-generated auto posts are not appearing in my social feed
    • InGo prevents double-posting for each event so proceeding through the registration process multiple times with the same credentials will not generate a post each time. Contact support@ingo.me to have your registration reset so you can re-test with your credentials.
    • Was the first permission box in the Login Widget unchecked? This setting controls a post automatically going out.
  • Registrants are not appearing in my event's reports
    • Are the login and confirmation widgets installed correctly?
    • Are the widget IDs within the code snippets the correct ones for your event?
  • Any other issues? Email us at support@ingo.me with the following details:
    • A description of the issue(s) observed
    • Any error messages appearing
    • Any URLs we may need for testing, such as your registration website.
    • The steps needed to reproduce the issue(s) being observed. 
    • Any promo codes or testing credit card data (to bypass registration paywalls)
    • Any screenshots or video recordings (Loom, etc.) that display the issue.